Anopheles funestus summary

Anopheles funestus is one of nine morphologically similar species within the Anopheles funestus group. It is a highly adaptable species with a large distribution across sub-Saharan Africa as seen here

Unlike its counterparts within the group, which tend to exhibit zoophily, An. funestus is highly anthropophilic and therefore a very efficient vector of malaria. Some believe the importance of the group in malaria transmission has been overshadowed by the An gambiae complex. The night-biting, endophilic behaviour of An. funestus contribute to its efficiency as a malaria vector, and problematically populations have shown insecticide resistance to pyrethroids.

Anopheles funestus larval sites are usually fresh water swamps, ponds or lake edges. They have also been associated with rice fields. The species is abundant during the dry-season and will also lay eggs in semi-permanent water bodies, therefore being less affected by low rainfall. This trait has led to An. funestus bridging the malaria transmission gap over the dry season. Seasonal distribution research here.